Monday, September 27, 2010

Watch me DRAW!

No, sorry not me. I'm not pleased enough with my skills to have you watch me.. yet.
;) No, what I have here is a nifty little site called Sketch Theatre. If you haven't deduce
from my context, this websites shows artists in the process of drawing their masterpieces.
Maybe I shouldn't say masterpieces, it is just a sketch. But then again, everything starts
from somewhere.

[EDIT: Ok, apparently this video doesn't like to play sometimes. If it doesn't play visit this link here to see it]

I think I have a fetish with gas masks or something because I always tend to run towards
art that contains some element of it. *shrugs* Anyways, these videos can be a great tool
to learn from depending on your drawing ability. An artist as an Intermediate and up may
find this beneficial and in their range to comprehend whats going on. Personally I start with
eyes first, whereas this artist starts with the gas mask. I am bewildered. I guess I haven't
fully grasped the anatomy of the head just yet. Jealous.. Just means I'll have to try that out.

If you wanna check out some other videos from Sketch Theatre you may click here.

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