Monday, September 27, 2010

Just shuffling around.

Call this my lazy day. It's gloomy and dreary outside, and it's been raining off and on.
What a terrible day. I figured I'd check out the Gnomon Workshop, and to be honest
I am a bit disappointed. I was looking to do another post with the process of design and
concept art. Perhaps I haven't done a thorough enough search. Whatever.

But I did come by some interesting pieces done by Concept Artist Christian Lorenz
Scheurer. His art seemed pretty appealing to me, and I feel he steps a bit out of the
boundaries, as in terms of Character Design.

Fro's with antlers? I dig.
I can honestly say in fantasy-related games, I don't see many African American Characters, especially donning a pretty epic fro' with antlers. I like it. It steps out of the cookie cutter
shape of character cliches and it adds some flavor. I appreciate those who try
to keep things fresh.

Just beautiful. I wish I could post this on my wall. House wall, not Facebook.
This one also appealed to me. The details are just so intricate and just looking at this you
feel the warm tones that are emanating from the piece of art. Not much to say about this
one, but I could just stare at this all day.

I would so be a nomad if meant my house traveled on an underwater sea creature.
I thought this was an interesting piece. The lush home, laboratory, structure adds a bit of
excitement to this with it's earthy green tones. Aside from that, the idea where humans
are living life underwater make this even more appealing. (Appealing is my word of the day)
We get a sense of a nomadic lifestyle where there are families who live in houses that travel
on giant underwater sea creatures. Maybe it's the water equivalent of a trailer. Or maybe it's
a traveling brothel. Hey, I'm just saying. Interpreting this artwork is pretty fun, as you
can tell I'm having.

You can see a few other artworks done by Christian and a small bio here.
And you can check out the Gnomon Workshop right here.
Let me know if you find any design processes. I dig those.

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