Friday, September 17, 2010

March of the Helboticas!

Okay, maybe it's not as cool as transformers, but this shirt is pretty awesome.

I thought it was rather amusing when I came across this T-Shirt design. Not
only because it's got a quirky sense to it, but we were talking about Typography
in class today and saw a few glimpses of Animals made entirely out of font. Here
we see a goofy looking robot. And at first glance that's all we see. But like I previously
noted, if we look closer we'll find that the robot is completely made out of font. To be
specific, the Helvetica font. Nicely named the Helbotica. 'R's are the feet, "+'s are located
on the sides of the head, and commas are cleverly used in a few spots to give detail. Theres
alot to find in this, and there's no need for me to try and point out everything. But overall it's
a splendid design, I find it pretty nifty too. I can see myself definitely throw the $20 it costs
to own one of these.

If you dig this tee you can check it out here. It comes in a few other colors rather than just
the red I have shown here. But personally the black and red are my favorites.


  1. I love the clever use of typography here. Your blogging is insightful and entertaining.

  2. Thank You! :)
    I enjoy the typography here too!
