Monday, September 20, 2010


I absolutely love drawing faces, especially coming up with crazy expressions. So emoticons
are definitely favorite when it comes to, lets say.. "pop" art? Mm.. no. Not really sure. But when
I see expressions (Not people photographed, drawn) on billboards, ads, products, I instantly
like it. Somewhat like this.

I have no Idea what this taste like, or if it's even good. But I WANT IT.

Created by Swedish Designer, Amore, the first thing most people will see it the winking face located in the white section of the canned drink. It was the first thing I saw. After seeing the face, I wondered, "Who the hell would name their product 'der'"? I thought it was funny, as I think 'der' relates to stupidity. But I sure felt stupid when I realized that Winking face, yeah, it's a "C" and an "i". This means I'm an idiot, and the product is called 'Cider'. Very clever use of the letters to create a fun logo. The colors also really add to the excitement of the can. Really wish I could provide a link on where you could get this. I've never seen it before and I really would like to try it.

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