Thursday, September 23, 2010

Save your files in style.

I always run across some creative flash drives. Which sucks, cause I usually don't have my
camera on hand to get a picture of it. This post I'll just post some flash drives that seemed
pretty gnarly. They teach you how to make one actually.

Does someone need anger management?
Alright, you got me. I still play with Legos today. What? They're fun.
Seems like a refreshing slice of watermelon..
This Flash drive has an air pump inside and it gets bigger with how much you save on it.
Flash Drive bouncy Ball. You can make this one. The Link will be provided at the bottom.
Pressing the A Button will release the USB.
This unfortunately won't heal your chapped lips.
I really dig how it's see through.

I'll probably post up more later when I see some. There's alot of gnarly Flash Drives out
there. Also if you were interested on making that one flash drive, a simple tutorial can
be found here.


  1. These are really cool. If I had the time, I would really like to pursue more of the things in 3-D Design, such as building stuff like this. I've seen a lot of crazy flash drive designs online, it's pretty awesome what people come up with.

  2. I really like this one because it made me think of the flash drive my friend has. his was a lightbulb, when you put it in it lit up.

  3. Aw man, that sounds like a pretty sweet flash drive. It's interesting on what clever things people can come up with.
