Friday, September 17, 2010

One block at a time.

Ok, ok, I'm sorry. I'm not done just yet. As soon as I saw the Helvetica 'bot' I ran across
this guy.

I know, it's ingenius right? Alright, maybe not, but it's pretty clever. Just a simple take on
evolution in lego form. It works pretty well. I thought maybe the legs, or head could have
been worked in earlier somehow, but it gets the point across. Besides I gave it thought
and as far as legos go, it cant really be done, at least effectively. Yellow is an obvious
choice for our Lego Man here, and with the standard green lego base, it brings alot of
nostalgia. The dark grey background is what really makes this shirt work. It makes the
green, but mostly the yellow, pop right out at you. Very contrasty. I like it. $40 poorer.

This shirt goes for $19.95. Just like last time you can buy the shirt here.

[EDIT: You can also get this as a hoodie for just $10 more. Gnarly.]

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