Monday, May 14, 2012


I liked what I saw when I first open this up in a browser.
A full scale image that sat right in the background, and the
image changed. But when you navigate out through the other links, this
quickly disappears and is replaced by a white background and small
pictures that don't spread out like the background did.

Studio Chirpy

I liked the rollovers and the large images right in the center.
The transition between each graphic is nice too. I don't quite understand
the footer because the arrows provide no feedback whatsoever.

I think my favorite part of this website is the drop down of the contact
slide. I like how it falls and has a bounce to it. Its more organic than a
just sliding down.

Hufton and Crow

Simplicity is beautiful, when done correctly.
I feel this website did well. However the transitions from
the menu to a different page isn't as fast and smooth as I'd like it to be,
the overall experience is great.

Black Tie

I wish this were in english so I could have a better grasp at what I'm looking at, but design speaks as well.
The smooth transitions are really pleasing and the colored box navigation slight reminds me of Window's metro interface.

Global Doodle

Another interesting site. Global doodle is a site which throws users together to collectively draw.


Rumpetroll is just a social experience where you float around in space as a tadpole, interacting with other users. If you have a twitter you can link your account up.



This site is simply a pool table made through HTML5 I believe.

Ryan Delanely

Just go to this Designers site and enjoy. I won't say anything but that I need to learn HTML5.

Clear Ideaz

HTML5 is a fantastic thing. I love the little interaction the rollovers give you, such as the little ribbon navigation, the lightbulbs and the regular buttons themselves. It's clean and fun.


Just posting this on for it's grunge and the ideas it gives me.

Jeroen Homan

I stumbled on this designer's personal website which contains his portfolio and basic contact information to receive a quote for his business. All I can say is I love it. Dark and light greys always appeal to me and the use of type on this site is very pleasing.


Fishtank is a really simple website. It's nice however and I like the rollovers on the images showing the dedicated website the media is associated with. (ex. Twitter, Flickr, Youtube, etc.)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Studio Nudge

I like the fixed Navigation which follows you as you scroll, the accent color could be used
a bit more, or more saturated. Too much grey for my liking. The design is nice though.

No Milk Today

I love this designer purely for the reason he yells at you for having a smaller screen size.
Everyone should get a larger screen, you're missing out on a lot of beautiful design.


Not that I don't like the idea, or hate the execution, but the desk should be better utilized.
It's what my eye goes to most. I didn't realize there was text if I were to scroll down because
I was too busy seeing if the desk had anything to do. Which is does in some sense, but at the
same time it doesn't. The camera became a link for services when I was on the services
page via the Nav bar on top.

It's just.. eh. I expected more.

Hotel Rottnest

Looking at this site makes me want to vacation here.
If a website can do that visually, it's doing something right.


The little drawings and storyline that spreads throughout the navigation links is pretty neat.

James Garner

James' site is absolute stunning. The use of transparencies and animation is just..
I love it. I love it all too much. It reminds me of what Paul is doing for his website.

Dragon interactive

When I first saw this site, I was excited. I was intrigued by the depth located under the
navigation. It looked promising. Then the load bar finished and nothing happened.
It got worse. I clicked on the links and they were either broken pages or nonexistent.
Not so interactive..

Perhaps when I get back to it, it'll work properly.

Le 28Thiers

I enjoy the large header images.

My only complaint, they should all be the same size to have more unity.
Yet keeping the different variations that make each page unique.

W+K Studio

Pink is revolting to me. At least when it's used too much.
I like the warmth to this site.  The only thing I would suggest
is adding an about page. I know they are selling products,
but why, what for, who designed them, etc. I would just
like a small background story.


Clean, and simple.


The transitioning background is interesting.

Gateway's Country/Region page could use a little more excitement though.

Matt Smith

I simply like the fixed background and clean navbar.

IGN Entertainment

I enjoy the structured grid, and it's kept fresh with differing widths
and nice use of Type.

Monday, May 7, 2012

On a kick

I'm consumed by this scrolling and I love it when its used properly.
In a portfolio, I think its very pleasing as it gives a nice and easy
look over all of your work. It's something I would consider when creating
an online portfolio of my own.

Colorful and Interactive

On the roll of Horizontal scrolling, this one fits in but I like it
not just for it's paging back and forth. I like the bright and colorful
images and especially the interactivity of when you click the second navigational
link, a body of text (presumably a welcome) drops down. It's simple,
clean and not overbearing.


This website has what I was looking for.
Interactive but doesn't break the structure
of the site. Everything is still accessible.


I don't know, these just do not seem to be implement well enough for me.

Couldn't you, in theory, place all the artwork section into an iframe? That way the width of the website isn't obnoxious and this way you can access most of the website easily. You could still have the scroll,
it'll just be fixed within that frame.

My issue is with my trackpad on my laptop, I could easily swipe to the side and accidentally get really lost. I don't like how that can happen, no matter how unlikely it could happen.

Horizontal Scrolling

I hadn't really thought of utilizing the Horizontal scroll, which is why I'm blogging this website.

However, I feel like it's a bit clunky. I'd like to have an anchor on each 'page' that will bring me right back to the first page. I also disapprove of the discography page. It's awkward and out of place. Why not add it along with the other pages?

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Wacom's website pull me in with their large and interesting images and the simple use of colors.

H&M's website is my latest inspiration in redefining my website. (SIP)


Pacific Sunwear


Even though many will, and have used Apple's website as design inspiration,
 it's understandable why. It's clean, easy to navigate, and it's pleasing to the eye.