Friday, October 29, 2010

Ever-changing Wall

I came across this one the other day while researching for
a color project. The basic idea is a wall that holds interchangeable
triangular panels with different colors on them. I think it's pretty nifty
as it allows you create your own design within the wall itself. I would
speak more about it but I'm gonna be lazy with this one and let your
eye wonder on the images.

Friday, October 8, 2010

4th dimension?

Alright, the title probably does not relate this at all.
I really just don't understand the concept of it. If anyone
can enlighten me, that'd be pretty gnarly.

Anyways on Youtube, I really have an appreciation
for people who try to use the concept of Youtube in
a creative way. Take below for example.

I enjoy the clever use of the elements of Youtube videos and incorporates
them into the video itself. Annotations, Play/Pause, The community of Youtube
and Youtube itself. Plus the picture in picture thing always seemed
neat to me, which is what made me drawn to it. Plus if you haven't
seen any of BarelPolitical's videos, check them out. They're hilarious.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

8-Bit Legos

An ingenious idea. Create interpretations of 8-bit video games of the past
through the blocky nature of legos and the use of stop-motion capture.
Below is a video of a 8-bit games that look uncannily similar to the real
counterpart. Plus you'll find a handful of famous game tokens that are
rendered into 3D Lego structures.

You can stop watching after 2:30 since much of it is the creators
talking about random stuff, which I didn't bother to listen to.
Definitely pretty sweet.