Monday, May 14, 2012


I liked what I saw when I first open this up in a browser.
A full scale image that sat right in the background, and the
image changed. But when you navigate out through the other links, this
quickly disappears and is replaced by a white background and small
pictures that don't spread out like the background did.

Studio Chirpy

I liked the rollovers and the large images right in the center.
The transition between each graphic is nice too. I don't quite understand
the footer because the arrows provide no feedback whatsoever.

I think my favorite part of this website is the drop down of the contact
slide. I like how it falls and has a bounce to it. Its more organic than a
just sliding down.

Hufton and Crow

Simplicity is beautiful, when done correctly.
I feel this website did well. However the transitions from
the menu to a different page isn't as fast and smooth as I'd like it to be,
the overall experience is great.

Black Tie

I wish this were in english so I could have a better grasp at what I'm looking at, but design speaks as well.
The smooth transitions are really pleasing and the colored box navigation slight reminds me of Window's metro interface.

Global Doodle

Another interesting site. Global doodle is a site which throws users together to collectively draw.


Rumpetroll is just a social experience where you float around in space as a tadpole, interacting with other users. If you have a twitter you can link your account up.



This site is simply a pool table made through HTML5 I believe.